Monday, September 11

hate exams.

oooh, how i hate the exams. i've been such a muggertoad lately. well, maybe just yesterday night. i only had one and a half hours of sleep last night, and no, it wasn't all cause of studying. i couldn't sleep after i ended at twothirty and ended up watching this real awesome movie, dot the i. i absolutely adored it and loved how it ended. nice twist of things. haha. and, they managed to get away with murder. how cool is that? haha.
anyways. geography was good. i think it was quite okay, i guess. well, at least i didn't screw it up. math was the killer. i think it was the lack of sleep and nutrition. i couldn't even get my calculations right. i kept back tracking two to three times, and i still didn't get it right. it was so frustrating. and, i don't get it. and, the most dumbarsed thing of it all, without knowing it, i left a whole page blank. when i checked the paper with about a minute left, i was shocked to see that blank page. damnit. as you all could imagine, i panicked. and, with other questions which were so tough, i mean, what's up with the school? and all those decimals and stuff.
anyways, off to huiling's house for lunch and to study. was too tired, and steven and wileen kindly bought lunch for us all. thanks ((: then. couldn't study cause was too tired and her sister was getting on my nerves. it's like even tho she was like primary six, she had the mentality of a five year old. it was that bad, and was soooooooo irritating. and, i don't even think that a five year old behaves that bad! she was all whinny, tears and all, taking her sister's things and all that, hiding, screaming, "na na na na na" all that nonsense. and you know what? she even called caleen "fatty". i was like WTH? anyways, we couldn't take it no more, so off to the library it was. but, i felt like sleeping, so i went home. ((:

--i'm sorry.


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